e-ISSN : 0975-3397
Print ISSN : 2229-5631
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Title : A novel application for transmission of Orthogonal Embedded Images by using Morphological Transform Domain & cryptographic methods
Authors : M.Venkata Kishore, JayaVani.V, SATYA P KUMAR SOMAYAJULA
Keywords : -
Issue Date : May 2011.
Abstract :
This paper proposes a data-hiding technique for water marked images and secured transmission of those watermarked images to the destination . today’s lot of companies are stored their data in the images, they store data with their ownership. To achieve blind watermark extraction, it is difficult to use the detail coefficients directly as a location map to determine the data-hiding locations. Hence, we view flipping an edge pixel in binary images as shifting the edge location one pixel horizontally and vertically. Based on this we propose an morphological binary wavelet transform to track the shifted edges, which thus facilitates blind watermark extraction with support of cryptographic concepts. In existing block-based approach, in which the block size is taken as 3*3 pixels or larger,and then we insert the text into that particular blocks and they are using morphological binary wavelet transform.now we propose an alternative approach to the above approach i.e we process an image in 2*2 pixel blocks. This gives high security when compared to existing approach.This allows flexibility in tracking the edges and also achieves mlow computational complexity. The two processing cases that flipping the candidates of one does not affect the flippability conditions of another are employed for orthogonal embedding, which means when ever we are embedded some text into the image the nieghbour pixels are not effected.A novel effective Backward-Forward Minimization method is proposed, which considers both back-wardly those neighboring processed embeddable candidates and forwardly those unprocessed flippable candidates that may be affected by flipping the current pixel. In this way, the total visual distortion can be minimized.
Page(s) : 1866-1877
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 3, Issue.05

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