e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Analysis of Factors Affecting Testing in Object oriented systems
Authors : Mrs. Sujata Khatri, Dr. R. S. Chhillar, Mrs. Arti Sangwan
Keywords : Encapsulation, Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Polymorphism, Coupling, Cohesion.
Issue Date : March 2011.
Abstract :
Software testing is an important software quality assurance activity to ensure that the benefits of Object oriented programming will be realized. Testing object oriented systems is little bit challenging as complexity shifted from functions and procedures as in traditional procedural systems to the interconnections among its components. Object oriented development has presented a numerous variety of new challenges due to its features like encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and dynamic binding. Earlier the faults used to be in the software units, whereas the problem now is primarily in the way in which we connect the software. Development is writing the code, testing is finding out whether or not the code runs the way you expect it to. A major challenge to the software developers remains how to reduce the cost while improving the quality of software testing. Software testing is difficult and expensive, and testing object oriented system is even more difficult. A tester often needs to spend significant time in developing lengthy testing code to ensure that system under test is reasonably well tested. Substantial research has been carried out in object oriented analysis, design .However relatively less attention has been paid to testing of object oriented programs. This paper describes the various features of object oriented programming and how they effect testing of object oriented systems.
Page(s) : 1191-1196
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 3, Issue.03

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