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Title : Feature Extraction in Medical Image using Ant Colony Optimization : A Study
Authors : A. Amali Asha, S.P. Victor, A. Lourdusamy
Keywords : Edge; Ant System; Feature Extraction; Segment; Swarm Intelligence.
Issue Date : February 2011.
Abstract :
The front end of most vision systems consists of an edge detection as preprocessing. The vision of objects is easy for the human because of the natural intelligence of segmenting, pattern matching and recognizing very complex objects. But for the machine, everything needs to be artificially induced and it is not so easy to recognize and identify objects. Towards Computer vision, the Machine needs pattern recognition; extracting the important features so as to recognize the objects, where the boundary detection or the edge detection is very crucial. Edge detection is finding the points where there are sudden changes in the intensity values and linking them suitably. This paper aims at presenting a comparison of the Gradient based existing edge detectors, with a swarm intelligence Ant Colony. Though, these detectors are applied on to the same image, they may not see the same edge pixels. Some detectors seems to be good only for simple transparent images which are less noise prone, and marks pseudo and congested edges in case of denser images. Hence it would be appreciated, to have an edge detector, which is sensitive in detecting edges in majority of the common types of edges. With this in mind, the authors propose a new edge detector based on swarm intelligence, which fairly detects the edges of all types of images with improved quality, and with a low failing probability in detecting edges.
Page(s) : 714-721
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 3, Issue.02

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