e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Dynamic Steering Control of Battery Operated Car for Lane Keeping using Image Sensor
Authors : Ankit Sharma, Abhishek Srivastava, Amod Garg
Keywords : component: Digitized PID, Lane keeping, Position Control
Issue Date : January 2011.
Abstract :
This project presents simple prototype for driving automation of battery operated cars. The system consists of Decision Making Unit (DMU) & Control System Unit (CSU) to implement decision given by DMU. DMU performs the task of image acquisition, enhancing, thresholding, noise reduction, calculation of the position of car with respect to lanes and estimation of the desired position. DMU communicate with CSU using UART serial protocol, thereby informing CSU to take necessary control action regarding - speed control & position control of steering wheel. Speed control is an open loop system which controls the two DC motors powering the front wheels of car. Mechanical hardware for position control of steering wheel contains a high torque DC motor which is coupled to steering wheel using gears in mesh configuration. The control algorithm used here is digital PID algorithm. The PID is digitized using trapezoidal approximation, Newton’s backward difference method to approximate integration & differentiation. Feedback signal is generated by 47kO potentiometer which gives a output of 0-5 volt. The algorithm based on these methods has been programmed in the Atmega16 which drives the dc motor coupled with steering wheel using L293d motor driver.
Page(s) : 138-145
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 3, Issue.01

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