e-ISSN : 0975-3397
Print ISSN : 2229-5631
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Title : Grid Computing: A Collaborative Approach in Distributed Environment for Achieving Parallel Performance and Better Resource Utilization
Authors : Sashi Tarun, Neeti Sharma
Keywords : Distributed, Grid Computing, Load Balancing, Middleware, Proficiency, Resources, Utilize, Virtual
Issue Date : January 2011.
Abstract :
From the very beginning various measures are taken or consider for better utilization of available limited resources in the computer system for operational environment, this is came in consideration because most of the time our system get free and not able to exploit the system resource/capabilities as whole cause low performance. Parallel Computing can work efficiently, where operations are handled by multi-processors independently or efficiently, without any other processing capabilities. All processing unit’s works in a parallel fashioned and increases the system throughput without any resource allocation problem among different processing units. But this is limited and effective within a single machine. Today in this computing world, maintaining and establishing high speed computational work environment in a distributed scenario seems to be a challenging task because this environment made all operations by not depending on single resources but by interacting with other resources in the vast network architecture. All current resource management system can only work smoothly if they apply these resources within their clusters, local organizations or disputed among many users who needs processing power, but for vast distributed environment performing various operational activities seems to be difficult because data is physically not maintained in a centralized location, it is geographically dispersed on multiple remote computers systems. Computers in the distributed environment have to depend on multiple resources for their task completion. Effective performance with high availability of resources to each computer in this speedy distributed computational environment is the major concern. To solve this problem a new approach is coined called “Grid Computing” environment. Grid uses a Middleware to coordinate disparate resources across a network, allows users to function as a virtual whole and make computing fast. In this paper I want to focus on Grid Computing system “a virtual resource provider in a high computing environment”, which is fully capable to utilize or handle the less availability of resources situation with effective load balancing techniques and enhance the proficiency of the interacting users.
Page(s) : 89-92
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 3, Issue.01

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