e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : Efficient Secured Hash Based Password Authentication in Multiple Websites
Authors : T.S.Thangavel, A. Krishnan
Keywords : password authentication, password hash, multiplewebsite password, pseudo random number, hash value, hash function, Password phishing.
Issue Date : August 2010
Abstract :
The most commercial web sites rely on a relatively weak form of password authentication, the browser simply sends a user’s plaintext password to a remote web server, often using secure socket layer. Even when used over an encrypted connection, this form of password authentication is vulnerable to attack. In common password attacks, hackers exploit the fact that web users often use the same password at many different sites. This allows hackers to break into a low security site that simply stores username/passwords in the clear and use the retrieved passwords at a high security site. This work developed an improved secure hash function, whose security is directly related to the syndrome decoding problem from the theory of error-correcting codes. The proposal design and develop a user interface, and implementation of a browser extension, password hash, that strengthens web password authentication. Providing customized passwords, can reduce the threat of password attacks with no server changes and little or no change to the user experience. The proposed techniques are designed to transparently provide novice users with the benefits of password practices that are otherwise only feasible for security experts. Experimentation are done with Internet Explorer and Fire fox implementations.
Page(s) : 1846-1851
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 2, Issue.5

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