e-ISSN : 0975-3397
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Title : An Effective Approach for Providing Anonymity in Wireless sensor Network: Detecting Attacks and Security Measures
Authors : Pooja Sharma, Pawan Bhadana
Keywords : Wireless Sensor Network, Security, Vulnerabilities, Security Mechanism.
Issue Date : August 2010
Abstract :
A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of a large number of inexpensive and small nodes with sensing, data processing, and communication capabilities, which are densely deployed in a region of interest and collaborate to accomplish a common task. One main challenge in design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. Security is becoming a major concern for WSN protocol designers. However, developed cryptography techniques are used, to detect, prevent or recover from security attacks . But the experience shows, there is cost involved with applying any security mechanism, which tends to be proportional to the amount of protection provided and has become major hindrances in security assessment of WSNs against posed attacks. This results in less reliable sensor networks and applications. In our strong opinion, there are two root-causes of this problem; 1) a comprehensive list of security attacks is overlooked and, 2) attacks are not associated with security frameworks. In this paper, we focus on taxonomy of attacks on wireless sensor networks comprehensively .We explore the security mechanism relevant to handle those attacks networks including key management, secure routing, intrusion detection , secure data aggregation secure group management .
Page(s) : 1830-1835
ISSN : 0975–3397
Source : Vol. 2, Issue.5

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