e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Object Sorting and Stacking Automation With PLC
Authors : Prof Dhaval Tailor, Vivek Kamani, Ankit Ghetiya, Naresh Bhatiya
Keywords : Automation, PLC, Sorting, Stacking
Issue Date : July 2017
Abstract :
In recent years there is a considerable growth and development in the field of automation both in industry and residential areas. The production rates of industries have considerably increased in recent years leading to the shortage of labours. Industries generally manufacture same type of products with little variation in size, colour, weight and shape. Here sorting of defective object plays an important role as these industries cannot afford any human errors for sorting products. Thus, it becomes absolutely necessary to develop a system that could sort these objects without any human interference & in accurate manner. Automation industries focuses on developing automation having long durability, low cost, less maintenance, and to make system as user friendly as possible. Thus, we have developed a system for sorting object with any metallic impurities using sensor and motor controlled by Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) and the conveyor in the system passes the object through sensors and hence sorting logic is decided.
Page(s) : 197-201
ISSN : 0975-4024 (Online) 2319-8613 (Print)
Source : Vol. 9, No.3S
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DOI : 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i3/170903S031