e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : d-STC for Dual Polarized MIMO Transmission in the Hybrid Mobile Satellite System
Authors : Shaileena V. John, Dr. M.K. Gupta, Dr. Soni Changlani
Keywords : d-STC, Space Time Code, MIMO, OFDM
Issue Date : Feb-Mar 2016
Abstract :
Satellite networks has gained substantial research interest, owing to its wide range of capabilities such as lightning speed, vast coverage area, broadcast and multicasting functionalities. In this work, the dynamic Space-Time Coding (d-STC) is adopted for the dual polarized MIMO transmission in the hybrid mobile satellite system. MIMO and OFDM significantly improve the data rate and the efficiency of data transmission respectively. In case of d-STC, two different variants of ST code such as combination of STB and Trellis code and Linear dispersion code are utilised alternately, with respect to a specific time interval. This process boosts up the code and diversity gain. Besides this, this work consumes lesser energy and thus reliable communication is guaranteed.
Page(s) : 1-8
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 8, No.1