e-ISSN : 0975-4024 p-ISSN : 2319-8613   

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ISSN: 0975-4024

Title : Recombinant Technology and Probiotics
Authors : Icy D'Silva
Keywords : Probiotics, Recombinant ovalbumin, Recombinant ovalbumin mutants, Recombinant technology
Issue Date : Aug-Sep 2011
Abstract :
Recombinant technology has led the way to monumental advances in the development of useful molecules, including the development of safe probiotics. The development of novel approaches using recombinant technology and probiotics that allow accurate targeting of therapeutics to the mucosa is an interesting area of research. The creation and use of recombinant probiotics expressing recombinant ovalbumin, recombinant ovalbumin mutants and yet-to-be-designed recombinant hypo/non-allergenic molecules offer the opportunity to further investigate their effects for food, nutrition, environment and health. This review highlights advances in native probiotics and recombinant probiotics expressing native and recombinant molecules for food, nutrition, environment and health.
Page(s) : 288-293
ISSN : 0975-4024
Source : Vol. 3, No.4